Uses of Class

Packages that use Edge   

Uses of Edge in

Methods in with parameters of type Edge
 void GraphTalker.discoverEdge(Edge e)
 void GraphTalker.finishEdge(Edge e)
 void BytecodeCollector.discoverEdge(Edge e)
          Action taken upon first encountering an edge.
 void BytecodeCollector.finishEdge(Edge e)
          Action taken before departing an edge.
 CodeVertex SortedBlocks.find(int pos, ControlFlowGraph currGraph, Edge e)
          Find or create a code vertex starting at a given position.
 CodeVertex SortedBlocks.add(int pos, Edge e)
          Add a vertex at bytecode offset pos along edge e.
 Directed ControlFlowGraph.subgraph(Edge e, int n)
          Create a control flow graph, connecting it to this graph as its parent by inserting it along the directed edge e (the Entry first, followed by the subgraph Exit.
 CodeVertex ControlFlowGraph.insertCodeVertex(Edge e)
          Insert a code vertex along an edge, retargeting the edge to the vertex inserted.
 CodeVertex ControlFlowGraph.insertCodeVertex(CodeVertex v, Edge e)
          Insert a pre-existing CodeVertex along an edge.

Uses of Edge in org.quilt.graph

Methods in org.quilt.graph that return Edge
 Edge BinaryConnector.getEdge()
          Get the preferred edge.
 Edge BinaryConnector.getOtherEdge()
          Get the other edge.
 Edge UnaryConnector.getEdge()
          Get the edge.
 Edge Exit.getEdge()
          Get the outgoing edge.
 Edge MultiConnector.getEdge()
 Edge MultiConnector.getEdge(int n)
 Edge ComplexConnector.getEdge()
          Get the single edge.
 Edge ComplexConnector.getEdge(int n)
          Get the Nth edge from the array.
abstract  Edge Connector.getEdge()
          Get the outgoing edge.
 Edge Vertex.getEdge()
 Edge Vertex.makeBinary()
          Convert the existing connector to a BinaryConnector.
 Edge Entry.getEdge()

Methods in org.quilt.graph with parameters of type Edge
 void Visitor.discoverEdge(Edge edge)
          Called when initially visiting edge.
 void Visitor.finishEdge(Edge edge)
          Called at end of visit to edge.
protected static Directed Directed.connectSubgraph(Directed subgraph, Edge e, int n)
          Inserts a subgraph into an edge, putting the entry and exit points on the edge presented.
 Directed Directed.subgraph(Edge e, int n)
          Constructs a subgraph and inserts it into the parent graph on the edge presented.
 int Directed.anotherEdge(Edge e)
          Step edge count.
protected  Vertex Directed.insertVertex(Vertex v, Edge e)
          Insert a (new) Vertex into the graph along the edge provided.
 Vertex Directed.insertVertex(Edge e)
          Create a new Vertex with a Unary connector and insert into this graph's edge e.

Constructors in org.quilt.graph with parameters of type Edge
BinaryConnector(Edge e, Edge otherE)
BinaryConnector(Edge e, Edge otherE)
BinaryConnector(Connector conn, Edge otherE)
UnaryConnector(Edge e)
MultiConnector(Edge seed, int n)
          Constructor for fixed-size array of edges.
ComplexConnector(Edge e, int n)
          Constructor for a Connector with a single edge plus a fixed-size array of edges.
Edge(Edge e)
          Copy constructor.

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