Packages that use BlockVertex | |
junit.quilt.cover.ball94 | |
junit.quilt.cover.generic | |
junit.quilt.cover.state |
Uses of BlockVertex in junit.quilt.cover.ball94 |
Subclasses of BlockVertex in junit.quilt.cover.ball94 | |
class |
Uses of BlockVertex in junit.quilt.cover.generic |
Subclasses of BlockVertex in junit.quilt.cover.generic | |
class |
class |
Methods in junit.quilt.cover.generic that return BlockVertex | |
BlockVertex |
BlockVertex |
BlockVertex |
BlockVertex |
BlockVertex |
EdgeFactory.makeBlockVertex(org.apache.bcel.classfile.LineNumberTable lineNumberTable)
makeBlockVertex() Override this method if you want to provide a special implementation of a block vertex. |
BlockVertex |
BlockVertex |
BlockVertex |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeBlockVertex(org.apache.bcel.classfile.LineNumberTable lineNumberTable)
makeBlockVertex() Override this method if you want to provide a special implementation of a block vertex. |
Methods in junit.quilt.cover.generic with parameters of type BlockVertex | |
void |
MethInstClassLoader.instrumentEdge(InstContext context,
ControlFlowGraph graph,
FlowControlEdge edge,
BlockVertex vertex)
Call this to add a Vertex in place of an edge. |
void |
FlowControlEdge.setSource(BlockVertex source)
void |
FlowControlEdge.setTarget(BlockVertex target)
abstract FlowControlEdge |
FlowControlEdge.copy(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
This should work like clone, but it returns a FlowControlEdge. |
FlowControlEdge |
NormalEdge.copy(BlockVertex start,
BlockVertex end)
FlowControlEdge |
ExceptionEdge.copy(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeBranchEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String branch,
boolean value)
makeBranchEdge() Override this if you want to have a specific Branch Edge in your graph. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeSelectEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr,
int value)
makeSelectEdge Override this method if you want to make a custom SelectEdge. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeSelectEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex handler,
java.lang.Class exception)
makeExceptionEdge() Override this method if you want to make a special exception edge. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
java.lang.Class exception)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex handler,
org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType exception)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType exception)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeNormalEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
makeNormalEdge() Override this method if you want to make a special normal edge. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeJSREdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
makeJSREdge() This returns an edge generated by a JSR instruction. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeReturnEdge(BlockVertex ret)
makeReturnEdge This is called when a Return statement happens. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactory.makeDummyEdge(BlockVertex start,
BlockVertex end)
makeDummyEdge This is used to add a dummy edge into the graph. |
FlowControlEdge |
JSREdge.copy(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
FlowControlEdge |
SelectEdge.copy(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
void |
ControlFlowGraph.setStartVertex(BlockVertex start)
void |
ControlFlowGraph.setEndVertex(BlockVertex end)
FlowControlEdge |
BranchEdge.copy(BlockVertex start,
BlockVertex target)
FlowControlEdge |
ReturnEdge.copy(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeBranchEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String branch,
boolean value)
makeBranchEdge() Override this if you want to have a specific Branch FlowControlEdge in your graph. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeSelectEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr,
int value)
makeSelectEdge Override this method if you want to make a custom SelectEdge. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeSelectEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex handler,
java.lang.Class exception)
makeExceptionEdge() Override this method if you want to make a special exception edge. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex handler,
org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType exception)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
java.lang.Class exception)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType exception)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeNormalEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
makeNormalEdge() Override this method if you want to make a special normal edge. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeDummyEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeJSREdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
Create an edge for JSR to a subroutine. |
FlowControlEdge |
EdgeFactoryImpl.makeReturnEdge(BlockVertex ret)
makeReturnEdge This is called when a Return statement happens. |
FlowControlEdge |
DummyEdge.copy(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
Constructors in junit.quilt.cover.generic with parameters of type BlockVertex | |
FlowControlEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
FlowControlEdge(int weight,
BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
NormalEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
JSRInliner(EdgeFactory factory,
BlockVertex retTarget)
ExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex handler,
java.lang.Class exception)
ExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex handler,
org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType exception)
ExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
java.lang.Class exception)
ExceptionEdge(BlockVertex source,
org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType exception)
JSREdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
SelectEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr,
int value)
SelectEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr)
BranchEdge(BlockVertex start,
BlockVertex target,
java.lang.String expr,
boolean value)
StatementSegment(java.lang.String fileName,
BlockVertex bv)
ReturnEdge(BlockVertex source)
DummyEdge(BlockVertex source,
BlockVertex target)
Uses of BlockVertex in junit.quilt.cover.state |
Subclasses of BlockVertex in junit.quilt.cover.state | |
class |
Methods in junit.quilt.cover.state with parameters of type BlockVertex | |
void |
SimpleStateMachine.addState(int state,
BlockVertex bv)