This returns the number of times
that this segment has been executed
by the code.
This value may be either 0 or 1 if
the algorithm cannot collect the
number of visits, but can only collect
whether it has been visited or not.
All Coverage Segments are required to
output whatever data they have in XML
The top element should be what type of
segment this is.
It should include custom information to
allow a machine to recreate the segment.
It needs to include these elements:
NumVisits = Number of Visits
Times = Collection of running times (if supported)
Advice = Advice on meeting coverage (if supported)
Description = Human readable description of this segment.
Execute FooBar.runStuff(a) with a != 1Lines 14 - 20 of
This method may return NULL if no timing is done.
It may return an empty list if timing is done, but
the segment has not been covered.
The list returned will have java.lang.Float values.
This method returns a human readable string
containing advice on how to cover this segment.
If good advice is not available, then this should
return the description.
I hope it can be something like:
Run method a) with a < 0
This method returns a description of the segment
which is defined by this class.
This should be similar to:
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