1 /* Segment.java */
3 package org.quilt.cover.seg;
5 import java.util.Iterator;
6 import java.util.List;
8 /***
9 * A segment for coverage purposes. It has an index and visit count,
10 * and 'from' and 'to', which will typically be line numbers or indices
11 * of some sort.
12 */
14 public class Segment {
16 /*** ideally unique */
17 private int index = -1;
18 /*** visit count */
19 private int visits = 0;
20 /*** index, line number, etc */
21 private int from = -1;
22 private int to = -1;
24 /*** No-arg constructor; creates a segment with -1 index. */
25 public Segment() {
26 }
27 /***
28 * Constructor specifying a segment index.
29 *
30 * @param n The index; should be non-negative.
31 */
33 public Segment (int n) {
34 index = n;
35 }
36 // GET/SET METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////
37 /*** Get the 'from' value. */
38 public int getFrom() {
39 return from;
40 }
41 /*** Set the 'from' value. */
42 public void setFrom (int n) {
43 from = n;
44 }
46 /*** Get the (ideally unique) index of the segment. */
47 public int getIndex() {
48 return index;
49 }
50 /*** Set the segment index. */
51 public void setIndex (int n) {
52 index = n;
53 }
55 /*** Get the 'to' value. */
56 public int getTo() {
57 return to;
58 }
59 /*** Set the 'to' value. */
60 public void setTo (int n) {
61 to = n;
62 }
64 /*** Get the number of visits so far. */
65 public int getVisits() {
66 return visits;
67 }
68 /*** Set the number of visits to zero. */
69 public void reset() {
70 visits = 0;
71 }
72 /*** Set the number of visits; may never be used. */
73 public void setVisits(int n) {
74 visits = n;
75 }
76 // OTHER METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
77 /***
78 * Add the visit count from another segment.
79 *
80 * @param seg Reference to the other segment.
81 */
82 protected Segment add( final Segment seg ) {
83 visits += seg.getVisits();
84 return this;
85 }
86 /*** Step the visit count. */
87 public void visit () {
88 visits++;
89 }
90 /***
91 * Format the segment for XML output.
92 *
93 * @param type String whose value is appropriate for an XML element name.
94 */
95 public String toXML(final String type) {
96 return "<" + type + " index=\"" + index
97 + "\" from=\"" + from
98 + "\" to=\"" + to + "\">\n"
100 + " <visits>" + visits + "</visits>\n"
102 + "</" + type + ">\n";
103 }
104 /*** Format the segment for output as a String. */
105 public String toString () {
106 return "segment " + index + ": " + from + " --> " + to
107 + " : " + visits + " visits";
108 }
109 }
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