1 /* QuiltTest.java */
3 package org.quilt.framework;
5 import java.io.File;
6 import java.util.Enumeration;
7 import java.util.Hashtable;
8 import java.util.Properties;
9 import java.util.Vector;
11 import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
12 //import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.*;
14 import org.quilt.reports.*;
16 /***
17 * Parameters for controlling an individual task. These are and
18 * must be compatible with names used in Ant build.xml build control
19 * files. Most are set by methods whose name is derived from
20 * the variable name -- for example <b>fork</b> is set by
21 * <b>setFork(b)</b>.
22 */
23 public class QuiltTest implements Cloneable {
25 /*** Class name of the test */
26 private String name = null;
28 // MAINTAINERS please keep the variable names and their get/set
29 // methods in alphabetical order
31 /*** If true, running Quilt coverage checks. */
32 private boolean checkCoverage = false;
34 /***
35 * Classes not be to instrumented, a comma-separated list of class
36 * names. Wildcards are OK. com.xyz.* means all classes whose
37 * name begins with com.xyz, but does not include com.xyz itself.
38 *
39 */
40 private String checkExcludes;
42 /***
43 * Classes to instrument if checking coverage. Comma-separated,
44 * wildcards OK.
45 */
46 private String checkIncludes;
48 /*** Set this property to True if an error occurs.*/
49 private String errorProperty;
51 /*** Name of property to set to True if a failure or error occurs. */
52 private String failureProperty;
54 /*** Filter Quilt and JUnit error/failure messages from output. */
55 private boolean filtertrace = true;
57 /*** Run the test in a separate JVM. */
58 private boolean fork = false;
60 /*** Names of formatters to be used. */
61 private Vector formatters = new Vector();
63 /*** Halt the test if an unexpected error occurs. */
64 private boolean haltOnError = false;
66 /*** Halt the test if a failure (expected) or error occurs. */
67 private boolean haltOnFailure = false;
69 /*** Run the test only if this property is True. */
70 private String ifProperty = null;
72 /*** Don't run the test, just report back the parameters. */
73 private boolean mockTestRun = false;
75 /*** Where to write the results */
76 private String outfile = null;
78 /*** Copy of Ant properties */
79 private Properties props = new Properties();
81 /***
82 * Ant documentation seems contradictory on this, but it MUST
83 * be a QuiltTest field. Used in BaseTestRunner. XXX
84 */
85 private boolean showOutput = false;
87 /*** Report destination directory. */
88 private File todir = null;
90 /*** Run the test unless this property is True. */
91 private String unlessProperty = null;
93 // CONSTRUCTORS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
94 /*** No-arg constructor used by clone() */
95 public QuiltTest() { }
97 /***
98 * Single-arg constructor.
99 *
100 * @param name Full class name of test to be run.
101 */
102 public QuiltTest(String name) {
103 this.name = name;
104 }
106 /***
107 * DON'T BELONG HERE - TEST RESULTS. These are not accessible
108 * from Ant
109 */
110 private long errors = (long) 0;
111 private long failures = (long) 0;
112 private long runs = (long) 0;
113 private long runTime = (long) 0;
115 public void setCounts (long runs, long failures, long errors) {
116 this.errors = errors;
117 this.failures = failures;
118 this.runs = runs;
119 }
120 public long errorCount () { return errors; }
121 public long failureCount() { return failures; }
122 public long runCount () { return runs; }
123 // END ERRATIC NAMES ////////////////////////////////////////////
125 /*** @return A reference to the test's Properties */
126 public Properties getProperties() { return props; }
127 /***
128 * Replace the test's Properties. This is quite different from
129 * the method in JUnitTask, which seems to contain errors.
130 *
131 * @param val Hashtable containing new values.
132 */
134 public void setProperties (Hashtable val) {
135 Enumeration e = val.keys();
136 props.clear();
137 while (e.hasMoreElements() ) {
138 Object key = e.nextElement();
139 props.put(key, val.get(key));
140 }
141 }
142 public long getRunTime() { return runTime; }
143 public void setRunTime (long val) { runTime = val; }
145 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 // GET RID OF THIS METHOD ///////////////////////////////////////
147 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
149 /*** Add this test's formatters to a vector. A convenience method
150 * with a mildly confusing name. Inherited from JUnitTask. */
151 public void addFormattersTo(Vector v) {
152 for (int j = 0; j < formatters.size(); j++){
153 v.addElement(formatters.elementAt(j));
154 }
155 }
157 // ADD/GET/SET METHODS /////////////////////////////////
158 public boolean getCheckCoverage() { return checkCoverage; }
159 public void setCheckCoverage(boolean b) { checkCoverage = b; }
161 public String getCheckExcludes() { return checkExcludes; }
162 public String[] getCheckExcludesArray() {
163 String [] val = null;
164 if (checkExcludes != null) {
165 val = checkExcludes.split(",");
166 }
167 return val;
168 }
169 public void setCheckExcludes(String val) { checkExcludes = val; }
171 public String getCheckIncludes() { return checkIncludes; }
172 public String[] getCheckIncludesArray() {
173 String [] val = null;
174 if (checkIncludes != null) {
175 val = checkIncludes.split(",");
176 }
177 return val;
178 }
179 public void setCheckIncludes(String val) { checkIncludes = val; }
181 public String getErrorProperty() { return errorProperty; }
182 public void setErrorProperty(String eP) { errorProperty = eP; }
184 public String getFailureProperty() { return failureProperty; }
185 public void setFailureProperty(String fP) { failureProperty = fP; }
187 public boolean getFiltertrace() { return filtertrace; }
188 public void setFiltertrace(boolean b) { filtertrace = b; }
190 public boolean getFork() { return fork; }
191 public void setFork(boolean b) { fork = b; }
193 public void addFormatter(FmtSelector elem) {
194 formatters.addElement(elem);
195 }
196 public Vector getFormatters () { return formatters; }
198 public boolean getHaltOnError() { return haltOnError; }
199 public void setHaltOnError(boolean b) { haltOnError = b; }
201 public boolean getHaltOnFailure() { return haltOnFailure; }
202 public void setHaltOnFailure(boolean b) { haltOnFailure = b; }
204 // non-standard name required for compatibility
205 public String getIfProperty () { return ifProperty; }
206 public void setIf(String name) { ifProperty = name; }
208 public boolean getMockTestRun() { return mockTestRun; }
209 public void setMockTestRun(boolean b) { mockTestRun = b; }
211 public String getName() { return name; }
212 public void setName (String val) { name = val; }
214 public String getOutfile() { return outfile; }
215 public void setOutfile (String val) { outfile = val; }
217 public boolean getShowOutput() { return showOutput; }
218 public void setShowOutput(boolean b) { showOutput = b; }
220 public String getTodir(){
221 if (todir != null){
222 return todir.getAbsolutePath();
223 }
224 return null;
225 }
226 public void setTodir(File dir) { this.todir = dir; }
228 // non-standard name required for compatibility
229 public String getUnlessProperty () { return unlessProperty; }
230 public void setUnless(String name) { unlessProperty = name; }
232 // IMPLEMENT Cloneable //////////////////////////////////////////
233 /***
234 * Clones, resetting the error/failure/run counts and runTime to zero.
235 *
236 * @return An Object, a copy of this QuiltTest.
237 */
238 public Object clone() {
239 QuiltTest t = new QuiltTest();
240 t.name = name;
242 // counts and runTime are not copied
244 t.checkCoverage = checkCoverage;
245 t.checkExcludes = checkExcludes;
246 t.checkIncludes = checkIncludes;
247 t.errorProperty = errorProperty;
248 t.failureProperty = failureProperty;
249 t.filtertrace = filtertrace;
250 t.formatters = (Vector) formatters.clone();
251 t.fork = fork;
252 t.haltOnError = haltOnError;
253 t.haltOnFailure = haltOnFailure;
254 t.ifProperty = ifProperty;
255 t.mockTestRun = mockTestRun;
256 t.outfile = outfile;
257 t.showOutput = showOutput;
258 t.todir = todir;
259 t.unlessProperty = unlessProperty;
261 // real Properties are harder to clone
262 Properties props = getProperties();
263 if (props != null) {
264 t.setProperties( (Properties) props.clone() );
265 }
266 return t;
267 }
268 // TOSTRING () //////////////////////////////////////////////////
269 public String toString() {
270 String fmtStr = "";
271 for (int i = 0; i < formatters.size(); i++)
272 fmtStr += formatters.elementAt(i) + " ";
274 String pStr;
275 if (props != null) {
276 pStr = "";
277 Enumeration e = props.keys();
278 while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
279 String name = (String) e.nextElement();
280 String value = (String) props.getProperty(name);
281 pStr += "\n (" + name + " --> " + value + ")";
282 }
283 } else {
284 pStr = "<none>";
285 }
286 String s =
287 " test name: " + name
289 + "\n checkCoverage: " + checkCoverage
290 + "\n checkExcludes: " + (checkExcludes == null? ""
291 : checkExcludes)
292 + "\n checkIncludes: " + (checkIncludes == null? ""
293 : checkIncludes)
294 + "\n errorProperty: " + errorProperty
295 + "\n failureProperty: " + failureProperty
296 + "\n filtertrace: " + filtertrace
297 + "\n fork: " + fork
298 + "\n formatters: " + fmtStr
299 + "\n haltOnError: " + haltOnError
300 + "\n haltOnFailure: " + haltOnFailure
301 + "\n ifProperty: " + ifProperty
302 + "\n mockTestRun: " + mockTestRun
303 + "\n outfile: " + outfile
304 + "\n showOutput: " + showOutput
305 + "\n todir: " + todir
306 + "\n unlessProperty: " + unlessProperty
308 // counts - not cloned but part of toString()
309 + "\n errors: " + errors
310 + "\n failures: " + failures
311 + "\n runs: " + runs
313 + "\n other properties:" + pStr;
314 return s;
315 }
316 // CONVENIENCE METHOD ///////////////////////////////////////////
317 /***
318 * Run this test if project properties permit.
319 *
320 * @param p The project that the QuiltTask is part of.
321 * @return True if this test should be run, false otherwise.
322 */
323 public boolean runMe (Project p) {
324 if (ifProperty != null) {
325 if (p.getProperty(ifProperty) == null)
326 return false;
327 }
328 if (unlessProperty != null) {
329 if (p.getProperty(ifProperty) != null)
330 return false;
331 }
332 return true;
333 }
334 }
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