1 /* Scheduler.java */
3 package org.quilt.frontend.ant;
5 import java.util.Vector;
7 import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
8 import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
9 import org.quilt.framework.QuiltTest;
11 /***
12 * Collects individual and batch tests during initial processing of the
13 * Ant build.xml file, then schedules tests for running. Before running
14 * any tests, batch tests are unpacked and attributes assigned.
15 */
16 public class Scheduler {
18 private QuiltTask task = null;
19 private TaskControl tc = null;
20 private boolean batched = true;
22 /*** Vector of QuiltTests */
23 private Vector tests = new Vector();
24 /*** Index into that Vector. */
25 private int testIndex = 0;
27 /*** Vector of BatchTests */
28 private Vector batchTests = new Vector();
29 /*** Index into Vector of BatchTests. */
30 private int batchIndex = 0;
32 /*** All tests are clones of this one. */
33 private QuiltTest modelTest = new QuiltTest();
35 /*** One-arg constructor called at beginning of run */
36 public Scheduler ( QuiltTask t) {
37 task = t;
38 tc = new TaskControl (task);
39 }
41 // SCHEDULING METHODS /////////////////////////////////
42 /***
43 * Ant-compatible method for adding a batch test. When Ant
44 * encounters a <batchtest ... it calls QuiltTask.createBatchTest
45 * to get an instance, then uses the set* methods to set test
46 * parameters for the batch. QuiltTask uses this method to pass
47 * the batch test to the Scheduler.
48 *
49 * @param bt BatchTest instance created by QuiltTask
50 */
51 public void addBatchTest (BatchTest bt) {
52 task.log("--> Scheduler.addBatchTest", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
53 batchTests.addElement(bt);
54 }
55 /***
56 * Ant-compatible method for adding test to queue. When Ant
57 * counters a <test name=... it uses this method to create
58 * the QuiltTest object and then calls set* methods to set
59 * test parameters.
60 *
61 * @param test QuiltTest structure containing test parameters.
62 */
63 public void addTest (QuiltTest test) {
64 task.log("--> Scheduler.addTest", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
65 tests.addElement (test);
66 }
67 /***
68 * Zero out indexes into lists of tests and batch tests. This
69 * will be called whenever the user wants to rescan the lists of
70 * tests and batch tests.
71 */
72 public void schedule () {
73 testIndex = 0;
74 batchIndex = 0;
76 task.log (
77 "\n===========================================================\n"
78 + "--> Scheduler.schedule: there are "
79 + tests.size() + " tests and "
80 + batchTests.size() + " batch tests"
81 + "\n===========================================================\n",
82 Project.MSG_DEBUG
83 );
84 }
85 /***
86 * Returns the next test or batch test available.
87 *
88 * @return QuiltTest-compatible structure
89 */
90 public QuiltTest nextTest() {
91 if (testIndex < tests.size()) {
92 return (QuiltTest) tests.elementAt( testIndex++ );
93 } else if (batchIndex < batchTests.size()) {
94 return (BatchTest) batchTests.elementAt( batchIndex++ );
95 } else {
96 return null;
97 }
98 }
99 /***
100 * Pass through the list of batch tests, creating individual tests
101 * and passing these to the scheduler.
102 */
103 public void unbatch() {
104 task.log("--> Scheduler.unbatch", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
105 for (int i = 0; i < batchTests.size(); i++) {
106 ((BatchTest)batchTests.elementAt(i)).unbatch(this);
107 }
108 batched = false;
109 batchTests = new Vector();
110 }
112 // GET/SET METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////
113 /***
114 * Get a reference to the TaskControl object created by the
115 * constructor.
116 * */
117 public TaskControl getTaskControl() {
118 return tc;
119 }
120 }
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